well it's no secret that i really dont like flying.
it's incredibly boring for somebody who doesnt like to sit still.
so... 8 hours sydney to singapore... and i was so tired from being up at 4:30am to get to the airport my natural instinct was to sleep but i didnt want to as i thought it would muck up my sleeping patterns. so i watched a few movies and read some magazines.
one of the only times i like the fact that i'm short is when flying. my knees never touch the seat in front of me and if i want to stretch my legs then i just straighten them under the seat infront of me.
the first thign you notice when you step out of the plane is the humidity that hits you the second is the pollution. although singapore turned out a nice sunny day with blue skies. for some reason i always smell the pollution in any asian city. so i got into sg at 2pm and my flight to london didnt board till 10:30pm. what to do...
i decided to go out for some good food. i'll never be a skinny person cos i like my food too much. and hawker singaporean food is sooo good...and cheap! it's what i miss most.
i so didnt want to sit around the airport for 8 hours so i decided to catch the mrt to raffles and have a walk around. there is a new development around marina bay. they've built this huge complex with hotel, casino and shopping centre. so took a walk around.
Marina bay sands |
F1 map |
the F1 was also on so there were heaps of people out and about and lots of crowd control. the one thing i notice about singaporean people is they just dont seem to know anything though. i walked along the river and then tried to get back to the mrt station and even the police didnt seem to know directions.
i havent been back to singapore in 10 yrs... not since my grandparents passed away. so much has changed. it's so commercial and developed and i dont feel like i know where anything is anymore. took a walk around suntek city cos i used to like to shop there. again it's just so different to wat i remember.
decided to go back to the airport via east coast food stalls. still needed to find some good food.
but took the mrt to bedok and decided i couldnt be bothered to wait for the bus... so ended up eating at the hawker centre at bedok interchange. sooo cheap... i walked around and wanted to eat everything.
in the end i got hainanese chicken rice and durian ice kachang... and that cost me S$4.50 which is prob only AUD$4. cheap cheap!!
disappointed on not finding an indian store to make me my usual egg roti pratha... will have to be on my way back.
back to sing airport... i still hada couple of hours to kill so played around on the net with the free wi-fi in the airport.
ready for the long flight to london.
i boarded the flight to london at around 11pm (1am syd time). so i'd been up already for over 20 hrs. sooo tired which is good cos i thought that i woudl sleep most of the london flight.
the flight is scheduled to arrive 5:45 am london time so if i sleep most of the flight there then i should be awake for the day when i got to london.
sat next to 2 songaporean girls studying in the uk and had a good chat. i'm so bored of movies now... over the two legs of the flight i managed to watch: knight and day, the last airbender, a-team, prince of persia, iron man 2, some weird italian movie that i only watched cos it had subtitles and they hadnt handed out earphones.
heathrow airport. immigration was a pain... huge long lines and the lady gave me 20 questions. which was fine
but she wanted to see my intinery and everything... problem was i had printed it but i think it's sitting on my dining table at home.
and then i had some things to show her like my itinery for the ireland tour... she was not a happy lady... and i was grumpy from the long flight.
so anyway she let me into the uk in the end... yay! far out i dont see what the problem would be.
luggage took ages to come out and for about 10 mins i was contemplating the fact that it might have not made the transit. but all good in the end.
got on the underground ok. for some reason i was having a heart attack cos i couldnt reload my oyster card at the airport. so i hoped there was enough money on it to get me to turnpike lane.
met celeste at the station and then back to her place. chilled out for a bit cos it's pretty early.
decided to have an easy day... out for some vietnamese food and to check out some of the local markets. just kinda reminded me of paddington markets.
the one i went to is considered to be pretty trendy. liked a few things but in my head was doing the conversions and wasnt willing to pay that much for stuff i dont really need.
nighttime. i couldnt keep my eyes open. by 8:30pm i was just gone... zzzz