My family had plans to explore the city today. I had booked to go on the
Flight of the Gibbons which is an adventure where you fly through the jungle of Chiang Mai on ziplines.
A minivan picked me up from the apartments at 9am. There were 6 other people in the van who were staying in nearby hotels. We were grouped together for the whole day.
We were driven about an hour out of town to the mountain, forest area. At the base, we were given a bit of a briefing and fitted with our harnesses. I had impulse bought a Go-Pro before I left so this was the perfect opportunity to use it...
Harnessed and ready to go with my go-pro... |
The map of the course which consisted of 18 ziplines... |
I'm really glad that I did it... it looked like a lot of fun when I looked at it online. I remember the first line was quite easy and gentle. I felt ok doing that because it was not very far and I was holding onto the top of the pulley. After that one, my guide told me to go hands free and that made me a bit more nervous. I think it was about the third one where I was standing on the platform looking out over the treetops when I just felt sick in my stomach. I'm actually scared of heights so at that point I was thinking 'whose crazy idea was it to do this?!?' It actually took a few more lines for me to feel semi-ok and not too terrified. In reality it's very safe. When not attached to a zipline, you are clipped to a wire that goes around the tree and so you are never free to fall off any of the platforms. Even on the bridges we crossed, we were attached to wires. I did feel very very unfit though on the 10 minute hike uphill towards the nature platform where we were able to see a family of gibbons.
Compilation of pics from the day... |
At the end of the zipline course, we were taken by minivan back to the base. There we were given meal vouchers for a Thai meal. After lunch we were taken to the base of a waterfall. It was meant to be a short hike but it did take about 45 mins and the uphill climb was tough... This is where I really felt unfit!
After coming back down, we were all driven back to the city. I got back to the apartment at about 4:30pm and I was well and truly pooped after the excitement of the day... and the two uphill hikes...
Met up with my family and we went back to Jia's chinese restaurant for dinner and then to the night markets nearby for some last minute shopping. I was happy because I managed to buy a new skirt. Packed ready to leave for the airport first thing to fly back to Singapore.
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